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Registreerunute nimekirja uuendatakse kord ööpäevas. Viimati uuendatud 09.01.2023 13:04.
Kõik   |   10 km   |   21 km   |   42 km   |   Free distance
Nimi Võistkond/Organisatsioon Distants
Genevieve .
42 km
Marek Aarniste
21 km
Michael Adams
21 km
Peter Aggen
42 km
Maria Allen
Frost Mountain Nordic
Free distance
Sophie Allen
Free distance
Wendy Allen
Free distance
Stephane Amberg
Phamberg Nordic
42 km
Carolina Andersson
Filipstad SF
10 km
Jens Andersson
Filipstads SF
42 km
Mikhail Andriyanov
21 km
Elias Anoszko
42 km
Kathi Antolak
10 km
Pekka Anttonen
Worldloppet Masters Finland
21 km
Katsutoshi Aoki
Free distance
Maciej Arczykowski team
Free distance
Ansi Arumeel
42 km
Thor Aspelund
21 km
Hardip Atwal
Free distance
Edouard-Tam Audette
Free distance
Eve-Luan Audette
Free distance
Jean-Philippe B. Gagnon
42 km
Eric Baetens
21 km
Jennifer Baldwin
21 km
Donatella Bardo
Free distance
Jiri Baros
TJ Valasske Mezirici
Free distance
Dawn Barton
10 km
Leslie Batten
42 km
Hubert Baumann
10 km
Tracy Beardaley
42 km
Claire Benton
Loppet Nordic Racing
21 km
Mindy Benton
Loppet Nordic Racing
21 km
Sarah Benton
Loppet Nordic Racing
21 km
Steve Benton
La Squadra
Free distance
Anne Berg-Santalo
21 km
Louis-Pierre Bergeron
Cycle Corsé
42 km
Robin Bergeron
10 km
Luciano Bez
Team Long Distance Agordino
21 km
Mariusz Bielen
Free distance
Audbjorg Bjornsdottir
21 km
Dominique Blain
Dominique Blain
21 km
Ken Blatt
21 km
Debby Bocnuk
21 km
Mary Bolla
Loppet Foundation
Free distance
Marvin Boluyt
42 km
Marvin Boluyt
Marvin Boluyt
Washtenaw Community College
42 km
Michael Bono
La Squadra
Free distance
Adele Bourgeois
10 km
Anne Bradley
St Albert Nordic Ski Club
42 km
Ann Marie Brady
42 km
William Brown
Moose Nordic
42 km
Len Budge
HGA Inc.
Skike Australia
42 km
Heather Bundy
21 km
Irena Burgar
Šmarnogorska Naveza
10 km
Nanci Burns
Free distance
Oskar Bury
Free distance
Allan Butler
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Stephen Cann
42 km
Roberto Capurro
Sci club Genova
10 km
Pam Carnochan
Arrowhead Nordic
10 km
Alain Carrier
10 km
Roger Carroll
Natural Fitness Lab
21 km
Paolo Cattaneo
Free distance
Michael Cavanaugh
42 km
Nancy Caviet
Nederlandse Ski Vereniging
Free distance
Sophie Cayer
Free distance
Pavel Chlup
10 km
Glen Choma
10 km
Bruce Clulow
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
42 km
Ian Cohn
21 km
Sandi Coleman
Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club
42 km
Clement Collart
So Trail Annecy
42 km
Doug Connell
Free distance
James Connell
42 km
Sue Cooke
21 km
Megan Corazza
21 km
Catherine Cottell
21 km
Cathy Cottell
21 km
Ed Cottell
21 km
Edward Cottell
21 km
Francois Couillard
42 km
Cindy Courtemanche
21 km
Madeleine Marie Couture
21 km
John Cowan
Arrowhead Nordic Ski Club
Cross Country Ski Ontario
10 km
Sharon Crawford
Summit Masters
10 km
Elvis Da Roit
21 km
Bartlomiej Dadak
Free distance
Bartlomiej Dadak team
Free distance
Marianna Dalla Pace
U.S. Dolomitica asd
Free distance
Petra Danisevska
RW Rottemeren
21 km
Petra Danisevska
RW Rottemeren
42 km
Peggy Davenport
10 km
Grzegorz Dawczyk
MF Żary
42 km
Jaroslaw Dawidziak
AMBIT / Maraton Leszno
42 km
Cindy De Cuypere
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Mirjam De Graaf
RW Rottemeren
21 km
Luca De Zorzi
Team Long Distance Agordino
21 km
Evzen Demcenko
42 km
Anna Demers
10 km
John Dickenson
21 km
Leo Dieleman
St Albert Nordic Ski Club
42 km
Glennis Dore
21 km
Tamsin Douglas
10 km
Louis Dourte
Louis Dourte
21 km
Marc Dubreuil
10 km
Francois Dubrous
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Francois Dubrous
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Francois Dubrous
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Colleen Duffy
21 km
Maude Dufortlabbe
Free distance
Marek Dutkiewicz
Nordic Racers
10 km
Mel Dutkiewicz
Nordic Racers
10 km
Don Eby
Owen Sound Cross Country Ski Club
42 km
Martina Egger
Free distance
Akihito Egusa
Free distance
Gaidi Ellermaa-Levo
Klubi Tartu Maraton
Free distance
Sarah Ellison
10 km
Jiri Fabian
42 km
Martina Fabian Sanders
42 km
Susan Fabius
Lappe Nordic ski club
21 km
Dale Fanney
Ice Age Nordic
21 km
Ken Farrow
Wangaratta Ski Club
42 km
Silvia Fasolo
Team Long Distance Agordino
10 km
Mario Felgenhauer A|N Skimarathon Team
21 km
Anna Fenning
Free distance
James Finnie
Lodge 21
21 km
Denny Fitzpatrick
Denny FitzPatrick
North Superior Ski and Run Club
Free distance
Gabi Forman
Snowy Mountains Nordic
Free distance
Karem Forman
Snowy Mountains Nordic
Free distance
Mathieu Fournier
Free distance
Maurizio Luigi Elio Franzolin
21 km
Ivo Fridolin
21 km
Robert Fritz
Team Sportordination
21 km
Romana Fritz-Winter
Team Sportordination
21 km
Blaze Fugina
42 km
Masayo Fujii
Free distance
James Gantz
Peer Gynt
21 km
Zoe Garlick
42 km
Nicole Garrett
three creek
10 km
Christoph Gasche
SC Obergoms
42 km
Sebastian Gasienica
Free distance
Theodore Gaudet
21 km
Vladimir Gavrilov
10 km
Benjamin Gelfant
Nordic racers
10 km
Monique Gerichhausen
RW Rottemeren
42 km
Andra Gherghiceanu
21 km
Scottt Gibson
42 km
Isla Godsoe
Free distance
Simon Good
simon good
21 km
Robert Goral
42 km
Johannes Götzfried
21 km
Rob Gould
21 km
Iouri Goussev
WI Biathlon
21 km
Peter Grant
42 km
Peter Green
Free distance
Richard Green
10 km
David Grist
10 km
Philippa Gross
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Jean-Claude Guay
Free distance
Maddalena Guillaume
Club des sports Saint Martin Vésubie
10 km
Monique Guindon
Gatineau Loppet
10 km
Claudia Hahn
Ski-Club Kottmar
Free distance
Gudbjorg Osk Halldorsdottir
Skidafelag Strandamanna
10 km
Fridgeir Logi Halldorsson
Skidafelag Strandamanna
Free distance
Heather Halliday
Waiorau Snow Farm, New Zealand
21 km
Kristina Hallik
Club Tartu Maraton
Free distance
Peter Hamilton
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Juha Hänninen
Toivion Hiihtäjät
42 km
Pirko Härm
Free distance
Veronika Härm
Free distance
Marg Hayes
42 km
Jane Hazel
42 km
Charlie Helmore
Waiorau Nordics Sports Club
Free distance
James Helmore
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
Free distance
Olivia Helmore
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
Free distance
Susan Helmore
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
Free distance
Wade Henry
21 km
Tiina Hernesniemi
Free distance
Ben Hespe
42 km
Paul Hicks
10 km
Dale Hjertaas
Regina Ski Club
21 km
Alexander Hofmann
Free distance
Paul Hohbach
Colorado Biathlon Club
21 km
Roger Homyer
Highland Nordic
Free distance
Brigitte Hoogendoorn
RW Rottermeren
42 km
Justin Hospital
21 km
Sunny Hospital
21 km
Drew Hutcheson
21 km
Trish Irwin-Kitt
10 km
Krzysztof Iwanicki
WM Triself
Free distance
Damian Jadczyk
Free distance
Gunnar Jähnichen
42 km
Daniel Jahnke
42 km
Janika Jakobson
Tartu Impuls
Free distance
Magdalena Jalowko
10 km
Frank Jargon
21 km
Jukka Järvinen
42 km
John Johnson
21 km
Heiddis Jonsdottir
10 km
Juha Juujärvi
42 km
Kalevi Kairemo
Worldloppet Masters Finland
21 km
Jörg Kaiser
21 km
Monika Kaiser
21 km
Mairolt Kakko
21 km
Targo Kalamees
Free distance
Targo Kalamees
42 km
Meelis Kalda
G4S Spordiklubi
42 km
Neill Kamminga
Free distance
Krzysztof Kapitan Team
Free distance
Arthur Kardatzke
Nordic Fox Ski Club
21 km
Mathias Karla
Team Kapakkan
10 km
Kristel Kaubi
Suusaklubi Jõulu
10 km
Jan Kazda
21 km
Kathleen Kelm
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Tom Kemp
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Wolfgang Kennel A|N Skimarathon Team
Free distance
Andrew Kenyon
Leigh on Sea Stridees
21 km
Jaak Kilmi
Eesti Sportlane
Free distance
Harris Kirby
Kanata Nordic Ski Club
42 km
Kristel Kivi
21 km
Colin Kiviaho
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Sandra Kiviaho
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Alice Knapp
Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage
21 km
Ross Knight
XC Chelsea Masters
21 km
Mirjo Koit
DMT Insenerid OÜ
Free distance
Miroslaw Kolodziejczyk
42 km
Miroslaw Kolodziejczyk
Zabiegani z Leśnej
10 km
Robert Koniec team
Free distance
Mati Koppel
21 km
Reine Koppel
10 km
Slawomira Korbas
TN Biegówki Wesoła
21 km
Lauri Korte
Free distance
Malgorzata Kowalczyk
Free distance
Malgorzata Kowalczyk team
Free distance
Margit Krieger
42 km
Andrzej Krol team
Free distance
Lukasz Kruck
Łukasz Kruck
Free distance
Katrin Kruusamägi
Free distance
Michel Kuipers
RW Rottemeren
21 km
Urmet Külaots
Free distance
Annlis Kuld
Free distance
Elsa Kuld
Free distance
Herta Kuld
Free distance
Kenno Kuld
Free distance
Krzysztof Kulig
21 km
Yoji Kumazawa
21 km
Wojciech Kwasniak
Free distance
Karl Laasik
Free distance
Andreas Labner
10 km
Gertraud Labner
10 km
Kevin Labner
42 km
Tommy Lahti
Skatila IK
21 km
Lysanne Lamontagne
21 km
Philippe Lamontagne
21 km
Franco Landra
Free distance
Alexis Langlois
42 km
Jelena Lautala
Free distance
Philippe Lebel
21 km
Sylvie Leblanc
21 km
Mary Lee
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
Merino Muster XC Ski Race
42 km
Mary Lee
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
Merino Muster X-C Race
21 km
Vahur Leemets
10 km
Brian Lehmkuhl
42 km
Ninni Lehtniemi
21 km
Gennadi Leppik
10 km
Alan Levy
Free distance
Anne Lindsay
Arrowhead Nordic Ski Club
21 km
Susan Lindstedt
Eau Claire Ski Striders
42 km
Daniel Locas
Free distance
Hilary Lodge
10 km
Milvi Lojander
21 km
Greg Lutick
Chelsea Masters XC
21 km
Greg Macdougall
42 km
Rob Mackean
10 km
Jude Mackinnon
10 km
Julia Maclaine
10 km
Brodie Macleod
10 km
Ken Macleod
10 km
Lee Macleod
10 km
Tamatha Macwilliams
10 km
Charlie Maddaus
Roque Bluffs SC
Fields Hill Trails
21 km
Felix Maier
10 km
Luciano Malfer
42 km
Andrus Männisalu
42 km
Sheryl Manolakos
Arrowhead Nordic
Free distance
Piotr Manowiecki team
Free distance
Taavi Maran
10 km
Lori Marcotte
Natural Fitness Lab
21 km
Dariusz Marczuk
TN Biegowki Wesola
Free distance
Zofia Marczuk
TN Biegowki Wesola
Free distance
Kamil Markiewicz
SN Klasyk Warszawa
21 km
Brigitte Maronde
10 km
Maxime Maronde
21 km
Allan Marsland
Birkebeiner Nordic Ski Club
Kangaroo Hoppet
42 km
Cary Martin
10 km
Minoru Matsuyama
42 km
Suomi Matsuyama
42 km
Krysta Matthees
Free distance
Shelley Matthews-Smith
10 km
Tracey Mccormick
Free distance
Jake Mcginnis
42 km
Fiona Mcgrath
Free distance
Mary Mckelvey
Loppet Foundation
10 km
Dave Mcmahon
Natural Fitness Lab
42 km
Isabelle Mcmartin
21 km
Dominic Mcrae
21 km
Janusz Meissner
42 km
Andreas Meiswinkel
21 km
Lise Meloche
Natural Fitness Lab
42 km
Kristina Metschitzer
Athletikklub Vasold Liezen
42 km
Stephan Meyer
Natural Fitness Lab
42 km
Art Michalek
21 km
Ezra Mitchell
Denali Nordies
Free distance
Keith Mitchell
Denali Nordies
42 km
Leah Mitchell
Denali Nordies
42 km
Rogan Mitchell
Denali Nordies
Free distance
Jon Mommaerts
42 km
Minoru Moriguchi
42 km
Shauna Moroney
Free distance
Dave Mott
Free distance
Louis Muench
21 km
Tatsunori Munakata
21 km
Kumiko Murasugi
21 km
Mari Murel
RW Rottermeren
Free distance
Juhan Muru
Porter Racing
42 km
Lafond Nadine
42 km
Alger Närska
42 km
Fabiano Nart
Vasabroke Poiana
42 km
Edward Neaton
Team EBR
21 km
Edward Nelson
21 km
Karen Nesbitt
XC Chelsea Masters
10 km
Christoph Neubauer
21 km
Nicola Neumann
21 km
Sami Nevalainen
42 km
Olli Niemi
42 km
David Noel
Free distance
Lori Noel
Free distance
Karin Noodt
SC Buntenbock
10 km
Susumu Norotomo
21 km
Aet Nurk
Free distance
Anders Nygard
21 km
Kaido Ojaperv
Free distance
Radek Ondryas
Praha 12
Free distance
Mailis Orakoski
42 km
Peter Ostrom
XC Chelsea Masters
42 km
Epp Paal
10 km
Epp Paal
21 km
Melanie Page
10 km
Melanie Page
42 km
Jean-Emile Paraiso
10 km
Julianne Parfett
Free distance
Nancy Parr
10 km
Imbi Pärs
42 km
Priit Pärs
42 km
Roberto Pasero
U.S. Dolomitica asd
Free distance
Devashish Paul
42 km
Devashish Paul
21 km
Devashish Paul
10 km
Erika Pearsall
42 km
Wally Pearson
42 km
Rene Perez
42 km
Doug Pham
21 km
Sylwester Piechota team
Free distance
Marit Pietersen
Free distance
Anu Pihkala
21 km
Grzegorz Pikulski
21 km
Dominique Pillet
Free distance
Jerry Plas
RW Rottemeren
42 km
Jocelyn Plourde
21 km
Sanna Pohjola
Free distance
Louise Poirier
Gatineau Loppet
10 km
Leslie Pool
10 km
Lori Powell
21 km
Marie-Eve Racette
42 km
Matti Rajasaari
10 km
Christa Ramonat
21 km
Veli Rautiainen
10 km
Brian Ray
21 km
Gerhard Reitbauer
Gerhard Reitbauer
42 km
Bob Richards
Northern Illinois Nordic
Free distance
Theresa Rindler Bachl
42 km
Patrick Roberge
Patrick roberge
42 km
Lyle Robinson
21 km
Marion Roche
10 km
Martin Rochette
42 km
Todd Roswold
21 km
Sarah Rowe
10 km
Jacqueline Roy
Free distance
Wolfgang Russold
42 km
Uuno Ruus
Kirikumäe Matkamaja
42 km
Uuno Ruus
21 km
Jessica Rykken
10 km
Gowtham S
Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Club
Free distance
Katsuhiro Sakai
10 km
Esa Salovaara
42 km
Katherine Sauerbrey
SC Steinbach-Hallenberg
21 km
Alex Schafer
21 km
Lukas Schafer
42 km
Benjamin Selter
Sauerland Ski Team
21 km
Ivo Serafini
Team Long Distance Agordino
21 km
Greg Sharp
21 km
Kirsten Sharp
21 km
Randy Shelerud
21 km
David Sherrard
10 km
Fernand Sicard
10 km
Amina Sieferlinger
21 km
Olli-Pekka Silfverhuth
Tampereen Hiihtoklubi
42 km
Danielle Simons
Free distance
Gabrielle Simonyi
Natural Fitness Lab
21 km
Michael Sippel A|N Skimarathon Team
42 km
Laurie Sjoberg
10 km
Susanne Slijkerman
21 km
Beth Smith
21 km
Ian Smith
21 km
Michael Smith
Lakeland XC Ski Club
42 km
Alie Snijders
42 km
Charlie Snow
Moose Nordic
42 km
Bernt Snuggerud
21 km
Anders Soderback
42 km
Anders Soderback
42 km
Marcel Spandl
Gunnar's Vasa Squat
21 km
Marisa Speccher
42 km
Kim Springer
42 km
Katarzyna Stecko
Free distance
Sami Stedt
Free distance
Radoslaw Stefurak
10 km
Brenda Steward
Free distance
David Steward
10 km
Tyler Steward
21 km
Mika Streng
21 km
Christoph Strutz
Luisenthaler SV
21 km
Severi Suppula
21 km
Wojciech Suszczynski
Free distance
Jarek Swiercz
21 km
Jim Syvertsen
10 km
Merily Tagamets
10 km
Merily Tagamets
21 km
Katre Talviste
10 km
Suvi Tanner
42 km
Carsten Taube
42 km
Caroline Therrien
Free distance
Barbara Thiel
21 km
Mary Thompson
10 km
Vesa Tiitinen
21 km
Matt Tilden
Natural Fitness Labs
Kaizen Solutions
42 km
Laura Tognetti
Team Long Distance Agordino
21 km
Ilan Tokazier
Free distance
Marta Tolak
TN Biegówki Wesoła
21 km
Bryant Tolles
Free distance
Kali Tolles
Free distance
Jan Tomsen
10 km
Alexandre Tourigny
10 km
Alexandre Tourigny
Free distance
Evgeny Trofimov
10 km
Charlotte Trusler
21 km
Alicja Trzebunia
Free distance
Gene Tsao
10 km
Gene Tsao
10 km
Lein Tung
42 km
Michael Turner
42 km
Catharine Tutton
42 km
Michal Tyszkowski
42 km
Ryan Urban
10 km
Jan Vadlejch
Jerusalem Ski Club
42 km
Heli Välba
Altia Eesti AS
10 km
Mart Välba
Eesti Worldloppeti Klubi
Thomeko Eesti
42 km
Erwin Van Der Werve
21 km
Liisa-Lotta Veiken
Klubi Tartu Maraton
Free distance
Veronika Verš
Free distance
Kristiina Verte
Free distance
Juha Viljamaa
10 km
Sari Viljamaa
10 km
Andrea Vogl
10 km
Steven Vogl
Free distance
Philipp Von Dahl
21 km
Tiit Vunk
42 km
Philippa Wall
Free distance
Toshie Watanabe
Free distance
Erica Watson
Free distance
Bill Weidner
Northern Illinois Nordic
21 km
Bruce Wharrie
42 km
Ben Wichgers
21 km
Hanna Wichgers
21 km
Joost Wichgers
21 km
Roland Widmer
42 km
Rebecca Wiinanen
10 km
Marco Wijnhorst
RW Rottemeren
42 km
Christine Wilbrecht
10 km
Garrett Wiliams
10 km
John Wilkie
42 km
Eric Williams
Free distance
Jennifer Williams
XC Chelsea masters
10 km
Kaelyn Williams
10 km
Kaelyn Margaret Williams
Free distance
Roy Williams
Free distance
Scott Williams
10 km
Vicky Wills
10 km
Peter Wiltmann
Georgian Nordic
42 km
Jakub Witkowski
Free distance
Davy Woirin
Free distance
Jan Wood
Waiorau Nordic Sports Club
21 km
Mary Wray
London Region Nordic Ski Club
21 km
Mary Wray
London Region Nordic Ski Club
21 km
Benny Yih
The Utah Nordic Alliance
10 km
Kent York
Endurance United
10 km
Ulla Yrjölä
42 km
Ulla Yrjölä
42 km
Ekaterina Zanozina
Free distance
Adam Zaret
21 km
Patrizia Zeilinger-Harbich
21 km
Jennifer Ziegler
42 km
Lukasz Ziolek
Jakuszyckie Watahy
42 km
Tristan Zlöbl-Tang
10 km
Nancy Zukewich
Natural Fitness Lab
21 km
Aneta Zych
TN Biegówki Wesoła
10 km
